
Sunday, February 27, 2011


I just found out that you can make a sentence with 15 letter words.  How? you ask, I Googled it!!  I don't care if you have other search engines, use GOOGLE!!! I  Google everything these days. It has helped me out of a jam a few times.  Anyway, I haven't been able to blog these days as I am in a new business venture and my time is limited.  I will probably get back to it as things settle down, But in the mean time use your search engine to the max. GOOGLE - GOOGLE - GOOGLE - GOOGLE!!!!! That's my choice.

 Dear Lord, please watch out for all of the people in my life, especially those who I promised to pray for and may have forgotten!! I ask this in Jesus name, AMEN!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

LA, LA, LA..........."It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood......"

If 25-33% of the world population is Christian, why aren't we a more peaceful and, happy world?  I am a firm believer that all  we need is a big swift kick in the pants.  Really, how much do we need? Where can we get it?  Why are we just living for ourselves and not trying to make this a better place for everyone to live?  New International Version (©1984)
"'Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me?...[Acts 7:49]  After reading this, I started to ask myself what  kind of a place have I built for the Lord to rest his feet? Is it a place that I would want to go for solace and peace? NOT!! No wonder he gets angry.   He sees all of the anger, bickering and foolishness. Like any father wanting the best for his children, He wants us to rest in Him.  While driving yesterday, I noticed that about 90% of the drivers were either talking on their cell phones, or just had a puss on their face about 10 feet long. What happened to joy?  I know they weren't talking to God, 'cause God don't need no cell phone. As for the ones with the long faces, obviously they were not thinking about God or there would have been a joyful, or peaceful look on their faces. LOOK in the Mirror!!! (I did and about fell on the floor.) ASK yourself what do other people see when they look at you? Lord, I promise to try my hardest to; be happier, help others, and to do Your will.  I pray that others will do the same, in Jesus name, AMEN

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I stopped at Jiffy Lube yesterday to get my tires checked and heard these statistics on the TV. What makes a company grow like that? Phenomenal!!! I was SO impressed with the numbers. But after watching for a little bit, I saw a lot of people working furiously on the computer and wondered about personal connection, real conversations, real friendships...... Our country is in such a sad state of affairs right now. I feel like we need to re-connect to each other. Person to person. When was the last time you held your husbands hand and just took a walk and talked? (Not about business.) When was the last time you rubbed a friends back just because you know how good it feels? When was the last time you shook someones hand without using hand sanitizer. We need to loosen our shorts a little bit and relax and reconnect. JUST DO IT! It might be frightening at first, but I guarantee you will feel great if you do. My favorite movie for understanding the concept of connection is "Patch Adams". This movie is one of the all time greats in my estimation for really connecting. Understanding the human element. Lord please help us to all be a little more like Patch Adams, and discover what it means to be human. I ask this in Jesus name.

Happy Birthday Dad!

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