
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Humility. Even God is humble!!

We all know that the Bible is the word of God right? Well think about it. God created light, heaven, earth, land and sea, and saw these things and said it was GOOD, right? He also clothed the earth with grass and trees, fruits etc., created the sun and moon, the seasons, and saw all of that was GOOD also. He filled the earth with life; in the sea and on the land, and that was GOOD. Finally he created US, (Man and woman) to take care of everything on the earth, he thought that was VERY GOOD! GOOD? VERY GOOD? It's AWESOME!! Thank you God for creating everything (me included). You truly are AWESOME!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Do not go to heaven to get to Jesus, go to Jesus to get to heaven.

Pretty profound huh? I really loved this saying when I heard it the other day. All of us Christians need to remember that.  We get so busy in our everyday lives. We try to remember to be good Samaritans, go to church, to pray to God, and what do you know, sometimes we just forget about Jesus!! I am sorry Jesus.  I pray to remember to keep you in my heart and mind first and when I falter please forgive me.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

MIRACLES!!! They are not RARE, they are EVERYWHERE!!!

A baby being born. Cancer going into remission. The love of a recovering alcoholic. A friend. The homeless receiving a home. The poor becoming wealthy. These things are truly miracles and they are all around us. Everyone knows someone that one of these things pertains to.  So,simply stated, we have all known a miracle in our life. I feel like our glasses should be half full right now even though they feel like they are half empty. Thank you Lord for the gift of miracles.

Monday, November 15, 2010

FRIENDSHIP. My friends are my most precious Gifts from God!!

The song "You've Got a Friend" used to be one of my favorite songs.  Jesus was the ultimate true friend. The greatest gift you could give is to lay down your life for a friend. So many of the all time greatest sayings came straight from The Bible. Nowadays kids say, "Yeah, I got your back". Do they?  I mean really. Do they know what it means to die for a friend or do they just mean, "I'm on your side."?  I believe with all of my heart that some of those kids would genuinely lay down their lives. Others would turn and run for their own. Which kind of friend are you?  I pray to God to please help me to be the friend I know He wants me to be. I love my friends so much!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

And lead us not into TEMPTATION.........

As I laid in bed last night saying my prayers, I asked myself, "Who leads us into temptation?  Do we allow the Devil to? Does God test us and put temptation in our way (so as to lead us)? Or do we just flat out lead ourselves into temptation?".  @ 51 years old I do believe that all three are true. We know right from wrong. "The Devil made me do it!!".  Yeah right. YOU did it.  "God created everything so, He also created temptation so it's His fault if I sinned!!".  Yeah right. YOU sinned. "How can I lead myself into temptation?  That doesn't make sense".   eg. You don't want to get pregnant, so don't go with your boyfriend or girlfriend to an empty house where you know for a fact nobody will be home. Being alone with your significant other puts you into a position of wanting to sin.  Always have people around you or go somewhere public so as not to put yourself into temptations way. The moral to the story:  TEMPTATION is EVERYWHERE!!!! Learn what temptation is and where it comes from and STAY AWAY from it.  You will find a peace that passes all understanding and God will bless you abundantly!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

There is truly only 1 guaranty in life. IF we are born, we are GONNA die!!!

You're born, you live, you die. I know you have heard it a million times. What does it mean to be born again? I believe more now than ever, if you really visualize yourself as a new born baby, you are a clean slate.  No anger. No hatred. Only a being dependant on others to take care of you. Feeding you, clothing you and sheltering you are the only true needs of a baby.  Beyond that there is God. God is Love. With Love comes kindness and compassion, understanding and gentleness. Anything not of God is anger and cruelty, condemnation and harshness. When you were that naked baby, were your surroundings of God? Answer this question honestly and you will know if you need  to be born again.

Friday, November 12, 2010

FAITH!! Always had it, have it now, will take it with me to my eternal destination.

F = Father - who gives us everything
A = Absolution  - Jesus dying on the cross for our sins
I = Intercession - for the ridiculous things we have done and our Father  had to step in
T = Teacher - who Jesus was, who we should be
H = Heaven - the ultimate destination

Look at the end result of faith.  Heaven. In order to get to Heaven, we must have it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

In foxholes there are no atheists!!

Happy Veterans Day!! I heard it from my Dad and I heard it from my husband.  God was always present in times of war. Soldiers pray to Him daily. Today I will pray for all of our fallen veterans and their families as well as all of the soldiers serving our country now.  God Bless all of you and God Bless America!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Until a person gets his priorities in life straight, everything else is going to be out of order.

Jesus said, "Seek God's Kingdom first and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added unto you." This is THE priority for happiness, success and joy.

Monday, November 8, 2010

You don't know about a man until you walk a mile in his shoes.

Honeyism.  My grandmother's nickname was Honey. She had great wisdom and taught us much. This quote was life changing for me. As I got older, I began to understand what she was trying to teach me. The difficulty of life causes you to be angry and judge others. If you really know what a man is going through, you can truly be come more humble and less judgemental. Have a peaceful and blessed day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

You and me against the world!!

Helen Reddy's song "You and Me Against the World", was a cool song for me when I was growing up.  It reminded me of me and my daddy.  Dad died in '03 and Mom died in '09. As an adult orphan now, it takes on a whole new meaning and I feel like God is singing it to me!! Look up the lyrics and try Him in your life!! .  If you have God, you have everything!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

You only get the truth from two places........

I always taught my boys : "Information only comes from one of two places, either the horses mouth or the horses buttox." ( And we know what comes from the horses Buttox!!) The Bible is the horses mouth. GO THERE FOR YOUR INFORMATION!!! Peace be with you.

Friday, November 5, 2010

God is Love and Love is Fun!!!

Who said God doesn't have a sense of humor? He created me didn't he? I am old school and used to replace God with the word Love in some of the songs I would listen to.  "All you need is God....All you need is God...." and some people thought that "I Don't Know How to Love Him" was a mushy love song. It was talking about Jesus!! Don't you love that? Enjoy your day. Try skipping!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rejoice in the LORD always and again I say REJOICE!!

Wouldn't it be a better world if we stopped blaming each other, hurting each other, lying to each other, and just started rejoicing in each other??

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The B.I.B.L.E........

Yes that's the book for me , I stand alone on the word of God, the B.I.B.L.E.!!!
Read it.
Learn from it.
The Bible is the only book that has everything from:
harsh violence,


        to tender miracles

The Bible is still the best read I know of.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

God has given you gifts. Find out what they are and SHARE them with the world.

I always tried to teach our boys this great tibit of widom.  They are turning out to be great young men and for that I will be ever grateful. Always know you are blessed especially if you are following that formula for life.

Monday, November 1, 2010

...clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

After hearing this in church yesterday, it is a great reminder to be quiet and listen to others as we would love to be listened to. Happy All Saints Day!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

You cannot find God in NOISE!!!

Be still and know that I am God is one of my favorite sayings.  Go into your closet and pray is another.  We cannot truly know God unless we step out of the busy hustle and bustle of everyday life, NO electronics, and just be still.

Happy Birthday Dad!

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