
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DO THE BEST YOU CAN WITH WHAT YOU HAVE! Try sharing; even if it's just a smile!

Quit blaming President Obama. Quit blaming President Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan, Carter, Ford, Nixon.........etc. We are supposed to be a nation of the people, for the people, BY the people.  What does that mean? We need to get up and get it ourselves. Take that job at McDonald's. Flip a few burgers for a while. Let's do what we gotta do to get on track again, then we can have joy in our lives again.  The presidents are handed down garbage from the previous presidents.  Let's quit blaming and start understanding that they are doing the best they can with what they have.  Everyone I talk to is so angry right now; rightfully so.  Some people don't know where there next meal is coming from.  Some people have lost their homes. I personally believe that we need to help each other and we will begin to see things change.  The tighter we hang on to things, the faster they will be ripped away from us.  SHARE and we will begin to see a difference. SMILE Jesus loves you!!

Monday, November 29, 2010


I wept!! ( For 3 day's.) I learned about mourning this week and that feeling you get when you lose someone. It was more painful than the death of a loved one.  I don't believe I  have felt this bad since I was a girl. When you kind of pride yourself on knowing people and come to realize that you don't know someone like you thought you did, it is like a football coach getting that ice water bath after the championship win!! WOW!! SHOCK CITY!! I know God will continue to bless my family and theirs and I hope that someday we will be able to come together and keep company once again. The lesson?: EVERYTHING is temporary.  So do not take anything for granted.  Your friends are like precious metals which need maintenance to stay shiny.  Maintain your friendships so you will never lose out. Wouldn't it be great to be like Jesus and be able to raise our friendships like He did Lazarus?

Sunday, November 28, 2010


WOW !!! It is already here!! CHRISTmas and Easter have always been my 2 favorite Holiday's.  In the secular world, CHRISTmas season is officially underway as of Black Friday.  I just love that so many atheists and agnostics go shopping on Black Friday.  NO REALLY it cracks me up!!   Personally I really want to look for the coming of Christ this year and go through the proper channels spiritually.  Fasting is important all over the Bible and I have not done that.  Quiet prayer is also important and I have not been doing that too much either.  May this CHRISTmas season bring everyone in your life to a quiet journey to new life, and for peace in the world for everyone.

Happy Birthday Dad!

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