
Monday, November 29, 2010


I wept!! ( For 3 day's.) I learned about mourning this week and that feeling you get when you lose someone. It was more painful than the death of a loved one.  I don't believe I  have felt this bad since I was a girl. When you kind of pride yourself on knowing people and come to realize that you don't know someone like you thought you did, it is like a football coach getting that ice water bath after the championship win!! WOW!! SHOCK CITY!! I know God will continue to bless my family and theirs and I hope that someday we will be able to come together and keep company once again. The lesson?: EVERYTHING is temporary.  So do not take anything for granted.  Your friends are like precious metals which need maintenance to stay shiny.  Maintain your friendships so you will never lose out. Wouldn't it be great to be like Jesus and be able to raise our friendships like He did Lazarus?

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