
Monday, December 20, 2010


What to write about today?? I didn't realize that writing would be so difficult.  I thought that news reporters and journalists just get up in the morning and start writing. POOF! Column done! Guess what? Now I know what writers block is.  I wanted my Christian blog to be a way to get my thoughts out there. I wanted to stay on the  Bible or the God subject, and keep readers interested and coming back for more.  I wanted to share my ideas and maybe help someone, or teach someone something new along the way.  I thought I would name today's blog, "sex, drugs, and violence" to attract some attention. NOW WHAT????  There are over 100 references to sex in the Bible, there are over 100 references to violence.  I found 8 references to drugs. Read the Bible if you want some informative reading on any of those subjects, and MUCH more!!. "The Bible", it does a brain good.

1 comment:

  1. hey fav!! haha you totally got my attention with that title... i saw it and i was like "what in the world?!!??" and i had to click it. awesome!


Happy Birthday Dad!

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