
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Feeders, Readers, Posters, Web-Traffic-ers, Publishers, Advertisers............

Lend me your ear.  I cannot believe the older I get the more confused I get about technology and digital life. It was so much easier in Jesus time. In fact, it was so much easier even more recently when I was a kid. What the heck is a scheduled play date? I remember Mom and Dad telling me to go out and play and don't be late for lunch. That was it. No cell phones to check up or check in with.  Just be home for lunch and dinner.  I have spent more time holding meals for kids and waiting for them to finish that next level, or "Ill be there, in a minute, I have to say goodbye to my 102 best friends on Facebook".  Mom and Dad never held up a meal for us.  If you got home for lunch in time, you ate, if not oh well, dinner will be in 5 more hours. Yes back in the day there were wars, and famines, and murder, and injustice. There still is. Only now there are immediate fixes.  We can clean up after major disasters, and rebuild in a matter of a year or two. We can travel across the globe in a matter of hours to get to work on fixing these problems.   Could you imagine how long it would have taken back in Jesus' day to get from Chicago to New York, or from Los Angeles to Hawaii? Could you imagine how many disciples the apostles could have made if they had Skype? Immediate conversation with someone overseas. How cool is that? Don't forget in the hustle and bustle of our daily digital lives, to make disciples of all nations, (we can literally do that now), and love one another as God loves us!!!

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