
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated"......

Gossip!!! ARRGGGHHH!! I will not name names as to who was "falsely accused" of dying. Look it up.
This has happened more times than I would like to acknowledge on the Internet.
"A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence." (NLT:Prov-11:13)
Every morning I try to read a little Bible and I also try and read what is hot on Google. Think about it.The two are centuries removed but some things never change. I found 16 different references to gossip in the Bible and 248,000 to gossip on Google search.  What is wrong with this picture??? I am sure if they had the Internet  back in Biblical days, there would be as many references as there are today. Pray that for all that is happening in the world right now, that we stop gossiping.  Let's, (including me!!), try to be more understanding of people's rights and quit trying to slander their good names all over the place. Scoop the story?  Is that really more important than hurting the loved ones surrounding the person who is being scooped? Think about it the next time someone wants to tell you some juicy GOSSIP!! May God Bless you on your decision.

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