
Sunday, December 5, 2010

OUR TRADITION OF CHRISTMAS.........................

Ever since I was little, Christmas always meant going to church, doing a reading or play at church, and opening presents.  I always celebrated Jesus birthday and our family opened presents because of that.  Santa was also "present " at our celebration.  He too celebrated Jesus birthday with us and brought us presents because of it.  We gave him cookies and milk and he always gave us cool stuff in Honor of Jesus.  People keep arguing about bringing Santa into the picture and the commercialism of Christmas nowadays.  Humbug I say!! Why can't we have it all?  But most importantly, why can't we remember the reason for the season? Our tradition has always been to have a birthday cake every year. Even though our boys are 26 and 17, we still sing to Jesus first before opening presents.  As in the Bible, Acts 20:35,   [English Standard Version ,©2001] - In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” What is your tradition? I hope you have a blessed Christmas and don't get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season!

The Gift

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What is a blog??

Where the heck did that word come from?  Wikipedia says: ( a blend of the term web log) I wanted to do a Christian Quote to start your day off right!! I pray every morning before I write. Most of the time kind of cool stuff comes in my brain, and I jot it down. I really just want to share my Christian take on life with others. I guess that is a blog. We all have this inborn desire at some level to connect with others.  Why is it easier for some to connect online? Back in Biblical times obviously this was not an option. What would Jesus do in order to connect? He would have gathered his friends together, and in person , sit down with them and converse. The difference between now and then is; in conversation, two or more people are together talking. By conversing, you leave yourself wide open for discussion, and possibly  unwanted feedback.  Nowadays in blogging you can post a comment,  but you don't have to resolve anything.  Let's try to bring the old in with the new.  Don't forget to gather with your friends.  Not just on the Holidays, but OFTEN.  Let's also try to keep up with technology.  Try blogging!! 

Happy Birthday Dad!

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