
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

CHICAGO BLIZZARD !!! I am in it!! (BLESSED day 3)

As I look out of the window I think BLOG!! Don't want to forgot again today!
Day 3 real people beatitudes: 
This week, if you put yourself second for the needs of another, Blessed are you.
This one really hits home today as there are so many in need and stranded due to the storm.  Lord PLEASE watch over those who are in need of help in Chicago today.  Watch over the elderly, the hungry, the poor and those who are stranded today.  Please give those of us with health, wisdom and knowledge of what to do in this kind of severe weather to use common sense and help others as necessary.  In Jesus name, AMEN.
The Great Snowstorm of '67 (Chicago Tribune Special Section, Feb. 5, 1967)

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Oh happy day.....

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