
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Interesting Video - "Intern with Marcus"


Who would not want to be an Intern with Marcus Lemonis???

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veterans Day!!

 Even John Wayne remembers the Veterans!!

A few years ago I wrote the "Hi Dad" in my blog.  It was on the anniversary of his death.  I remember Dad today as he was in the Navy, and the Merchant Marines during the Korean conflict.  I remember ALL Veterans, living or "Home", with love, and admiration.  As messed up as this country gets from time to time, I know in my heart that it is because of these brave people that we are FREE!!! Thank you for your service, Love, Heidi

Ballroom City Also Remembers our Veterans...join Vito in Rome on Saturday. PRESS HERE

Lucky Entertainers are remembering today as well. For the LE Website, PRESS HERE

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

WOW..... Robin Williams.....

These are my 3 favorite Robin Williams characters.
If I were to have the privilege of meeting a star, Robin would have been one of my first choices!!
My sympathy goes out to the family of this genius.  Dear Robin, thank you for sharing the gift of humor, compassion, and heart with the world.  Our loss is heaven's gain, and you will be missed greatly.
Sincerely, Heidi Lucky

Happy Birthday Dad!

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