
Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolutions...

I resolve to stop eating broccoli, Brussels sprouts, liver, Limburger cheese, and Ghost peppers. Does that sound like a few of your resolutions for the year??  Look below.  I found this 1915 New Years Resolution postcard on Wikipedia.  These resolutions actually seem like a great way to live your life and I hope you enjoy it.

 I should now get back to my own :  I resolve to do everything in moderation, to be a better mother and wife, to pray to God every morning in Jesus' name and love my life no matter what.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Read between the lines ....... you understand the difference between listening to the words and hearing what is said.  SO often we say we are listening to each other, but when asked to repeat what a person said, many times we cannot even grasp the subject properly.  What ever happened to taking turns talking?  What ever happened to discussions without the use of cell phones, computers, TV, radio or other worldly distractions?  My friend told me his favorite time was after WW II when all of the houses had porches and everyone used to sit on the porch and talk.  Neighbors would come by and visit.  You didn't need a holiday or an event to come together and talk.  For 2011, I am going to make a conscious effort to visit with people without bringing my phone to text someone else. I am going to try to let someone else talk until they are done trying to get their complete message out without interrupting or sitting on the edge of my chair waiting until they are finished so I can put in my 2 cents. These are acquired skills and I must confess that my skills need a little polishing.  I pray that everyone has a GREAT New Year and we can come together as friends, family, and community. Let's relax and start enjoying all of the people in our lives, LISTEN to each other, and stop worrying. "Don't sweat the small stuff and remember EVERYTHING is small stuff"!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! We made it through another year WHEW!!!!.

Lets start the new year with off with an,
 For giving us ....,
.... a sense of humor,,
....prosperity...... and the list goes on.
These are just a few of the things that I am grateful for!!! Make your own gratitude list and see how your disposition can change.  May the Lord bless you with all of these things and more in the New Year!!

Happy Birthday Dad!

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